12 Celebrities Who Were Big And Have Fallen Down

Elise Feyrer

Do people ever consider the most renowned celebrity's fall from grace? To be honest, it's challenging to think about. We know much about celebrities, arguably more than we ever want or need to know. Some stars even tell us what they had for breakfast in the morning, as if it is something anyone needs to know. Regardless, this helps us comprehend renowned individuals and how they spend their life. That's all they are. They're just average individuals who live extravagant lifestyles.
These celebrities gained our trust, and some, like Hugh Jackman, have retained it. However, not every renowned person believes you should be trustworthy, friendly, and honest. These celebrities went from sitting high on a pedestal to falling from favor and being reviled by the general people in a matter of days.

1. Woody Allen

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Given claims of abuse dating back to the early 1990s, public opinion has shifted drastically against him in recent years. His previous two films were overlooked, many actors regretted working with him, and he did not list a passion for filmmaking.

2. Will Smith

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However, his strangely discriminatory desire to "protect women" backfired, and he wrecked the Oscar ceremony, which should have been his most outstanding achievement.

3. Kevin Spacey

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However, his career mainly died in 2017, when a slew of abuse and harassment claims surfaced, including four charges of sexual assault in the United Kingdom in May 2022.

4. R. Kelly

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Abuse claims against him, on the other hand, date back to the 1990s. In 2022, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison for running a literal sex ring, among other things.

5. Ellen DeGeneres

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Ellen was amusing and helped to make society more welcoming. During her time as a talk show presenter, genuine claims of racism, abuse, and intimidation surfaced. She lost the program, no one loved her, and we haven't even gotten into her cozying up to war criminals.

6. Ryan Adams

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He is accused of "helping female musicians pursue them, as well as retaliating and even underage pestering." Although nothing has been confirmed, his ex-wife Mandy Moore described his behavior as "psychologically abusive."

7. Matt Lauer

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He allegedly harassed several women, misused his authority, and had a button that closed his office door automatically, as regular people do. He was sacked from NBC and hasn't been seen since.

8. Lance Armstrong

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Except when you consider that he managed a sophisticated doping network and used performance-enhancing medications for most of his career. He lost his wins and was expelled from the sport, but what would Dodgeball trivia be without him?

9. Felicity Huffman

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She boasted about spending 14 days in jail for a college admissions bribery scheme. Lori Loughlin was also involved, but Huffman is a far superior actor thus her demise affects the whole film business, not just Full House reboots

10. Elon Musk

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Even discounting the one-lane gaming tunnel and the Twitter saga, the mask had come off when he stated the Democratic Party was the party of "hate" four days after the Buffalo shooting.

11. Chris Brown

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He is well-known for gathering abuse complaints. Accusations of assault have continued to surface since the Rihanna debacle.

12. Armie Hammer

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Around 2021, complaints of harassment surfaced, as did vivid, insistent, and systematic fantasies of sexual torture and even cannibalism.