17 Times Businesses Tried To Use Their Sense Of Humor But Made Things Awkward Instead

Leona Martinez

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is striving to be humorous in their marketing—but why? Yes, it works. Consumers don't want to feel like you're ripping money out of their pockets, so humor is a great way to market your business without really selling anything. You can engage customers and keep their attention by appealing to their emotions.
To get the attention of consumers, especially the younger generation, many businesses produce advertisements that are replete with memes. Utilizing memes, however, is not always a good idea because it frequently fails or even backfires. The corporations could come out as fairly pitiful, especially if they are so awful at it that they egregiously abuse current terminology, cultural references, video game allusions, and a host of other things that they don't appear to have a firm grip on. And things might get weird if they don't know what they're talking about. Scroll down to see some living proof of companies that created their own memes for marketing purposes.

#1. I vomited a little bit

Source: reddit.com

#2. This counts. Kind of?

Source: reddit.com

#3. They're onto us!

Source: reddit.com

#4. This campground sign

Source: reddit.com

#5. Wheat Thiccs

Source: reddit.com

#6. All of these posters are official

Source: reddit.com

#7. McDonald’s cringe

Source: reddit.com

#8. This isn’t it, Duolingo

Source: reddit.com

#9. They’ll wait

Source: reddit.com

#10. Not entirely sure if this counts, since it isn't in English, but uh, who wants to drink some amogus

Source: reddit.com

#11. Uhhhh sure...

Source: reddit.com

#12. This this from the spanish kfc Instagram account

Source: reddit.com

#13. Meat bad!

Source: reddit.com

#14. Hello fellow enjoyer of Bill Eyelash

Source: reddit.com

#15. An actual email I just received from 7-Eleven

Source: reddit.com

#16. We made meme, now buy nicnacs

Source: reddit.com

#17. Lord stops this

Source: reddit.com