Pet owners with dogs are definitely in love with their pals' cheerful and lighthearted characteristics. They always find ways to welcome and make their owners feel accompanied. Nonetheless, there is an enormous difference between how animals and human beings express affection. Some people find it unsuitable for us to let pets cross the boundary. If you're interested in this thread, let's keep scrolling down to see what Reddit said!
Source: cesarsway (photo used for illustration)
A Reddit account u/RisingShar spoke his mind on the hot subreddit r/unpopularopinion to emphasize how gross he felt when he saw dogs licking people's faces. He infirmed he favored dogs but being too close to them was his pet peeve. Besides, he underlined that no matter how people treasured their pets, they were merely animals. He made his point that people should have stopped normalizing these unhygienic acts especially when they involved pets' saliva.Source: u/RisingShar
The majority of Reddit comments below the OP's post agreed with him. They knew it was obviously contaminating and impure to interact with pets' sputum in these sensitive skin areas like the face, lips, mouth, et. Some even shared their nightmarish memoirs of being licked by pets, especially the ones with disorders and disfunction such as allergies, germaphobia, and OCDs. They even notified that pets' drool was the only source of the deadly disease rabies. In addition, they couldn't stand those people who ate foods touched and licked by their pets.Source: u/RisingShar
Source: r/unpopularopinion
Source: r/unpopularopinion
Source: r/unpopularopinion
A small part of people who took part in the discussion thought it might be overreacting to reject the pets' affection when they tried to kiss or lick people on the cheek. If the pets were vaccinated and pet owners could maintain their furry pals' hygiene, they still would be able to let their furballs do whatever they wished. They expected it was a matter of each person about ownership. It was alright as long as they didn't encourage others to do the same.Source: r/unpopularopinion
Source: r/unpopularopinion
On the other hand, some people brought up some specific emergent situations where the pets had no means of communication but licking or using their mouths to manifest. Therefore, it wouldn't be necessary to oblige the pets not to put their tongues on the owners' faces. Moreover, they supposed the ways of showing and accepting a pet's love variated from one to one. Maybe to someone, they found it comfortable and not gross at all.Source: r/unpopularopinion
Source: r/unpopularopinion
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