20 Times Parents Had To Do A Facepalm Because Of Their Own Kids

Leona Martinez

Parenting is indeed a wonderful experience, a journey that is filled with many joyful moments, mixed with some challenges as well. However, at the end of the day, we all want the same thing for our children; for them to be happy, to enjoy life to the fullest, to be independent and self-assured, and to be ready to face the world.

But some parents don't expect that one day they might get slam-dunked by the darndest things their kids said or did. Take these moms and dads for example. They had to do a facepalm because of their own children, and they just had to share the embarrassment with people online. Are you curious about what your life will be like if you have kids? Scroll down to check out the sharing of parents below. Also, don't forget to share your opinions as well as your experiences with us.


Source: DontWorryBoutB


Source: AlisonStine


Source: HenpeckedHal


Source: alicetaylorm


Source: magnus_ubergasm

"My daughter roasted me for fathers day. I couldn't be more proud"


Source: [deleted]

"My friend's 6-year-old daughter drew this at school..."


Source: XplodingUnicorn


Source: zimmer_donald


Source: toddedillard


Source: henpeckedhal


Source: ktmartinez


Source: aworsh

"My husband took our almost 13-year-old son's phone away for the day yesterday. Of course, my husband had to f*ck with him and slid this under his door last night. The real kicker was our son's response."


Source: sezjzes

Children are savages.


Source: sabaatahir


Source: Mamaoutoforder


Source: sebasjonathan86


Source: roersmat

"Just lost my foot after a motorcycle accident. This is the sticker my son chose to decorate my brace."


Source: lezzimomof2


Source: AndeWall


Source: Vanurtle