8 Pretty Uncomfortable Celebrity Meetings Photos

Elise Feyrer

Some followers are willing to go to any lengths and put up with any difficulty in order to get an autograph or photo from their favorite star. Certain zealots are willing to part up hundreds of dollars only for the opportunity to have a photograph taken with the celebrity of their choosing. Even those of us who aren't quite as obsessed with A-list celebrities would still be interested in taking a photo with Rihanna (since, you know, she's Rihanna).
The outcomes of these one-on-one encounters that are captured on camera do not, however, always play out in the way that fans anticipate they will. Under stress, even the most composed among us are susceptible to experiencing a mild case of nerves or hysteria, which can cause our faces and bodies to behave in unexpected ways. However, if we are to believe the images taken during embarrassing celebrity meet-and-greet events, celebrities have just as much trouble acting regular as the rest of us do.
These photographs of renowned people meeting their adoring followers make for wonderfully awkward viewing, whether they violate the notion of personal space altogether or adopt bizarre rules about how much room an individual should have for themselves.

1. Nah!!! Your Tongue

2. The Boy In Her Hand, LMAO!!!

3. Rihanna Is Not That Type of Person!

4. Hah?

5. Who's Fan?

6. This Man Is Legend!

7. Way Too Polite Man!

8. Kisssss