Guy Wonders If He Is A Jerk For Using 'Insulting' Wallpapers For His Phone's Home Screen After His Coworkers Kept Touching It

Leona Martinez

What is your must-bring item when you go out? Some say that they can't go out without money. Some claim that they must bring the health control stuff. But all of these things, a smartphone. Today, we can pay for our meals and taxi fees with just a few clicks on our smartphones. Besides, smartphones help us keep in touch with our family members and our friends. Better than that, they can be our portable assistants, counting your steps, transcribing notes, or navigating somewhere new—for example.
On the other hand, because we do everything on smartphones, there is much private information that we don't want others to know, for example, the bank password or  sensitive photos. As a result, no one wants their phones to be snooped on by others. Like the guy in this case below. His colleagues were caught opening and looking through his phone. And he came up with an interesting idea that he set up "insulting" or "offensive" wallpapers that say "DON'T TOUCH MY PHONE WEIRDO" or "I CAN SEE YOU" to tackle this issue in a non-confrontational way.

Source: throw3447567

Source: throw3447567

The smartphone has perhaps transformed our lives more than any other tool in recent times. The camera, GPS, calculator, contact book, and many other devices have been replaced with this portable computer. At our fingertips, we have unparalleled access to knowledge. However, the very qualities that have proven to be so helpful might also be used against us by hackers or advertisers that violate our privacy. On your smartphone, you may use a number of technologies to assist safeguard your privacy.
The smartphone performs so many tasks that many of us find it difficult to recall life before one. You always have your phone with you. One of the first things you see when you wake up is that. While eating breakfast, while at work, and while stopping for beverages afterward, you check your social media. Most people have felt the terror that comes over them when they discover their phone is nowhere to be found in their pocket.

Here's what people had to say about the OP's situation:

Most of them claimed that the guy is not a jerk and that the company must have policies regarding privacy.

Source: GinnysCultTendencies

Source: FeelingNarwhal5406

Source: IHaveSaidMyPiece

Source: Far_Anteater_256

Source: LurdMcTurdIII

Source: muskiesfan1

Source: Neko_09