20 People Who Are Extremely Dumb And So Proud Of It

Leona Martinez

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong? For example, everything in your life seems to be running smoothly and one day, out of the blue, you get into a dozen small accidents and start to wonder, “Why is this happening?” Have you had moments where nothing around you seems to work properly and you start breaking stuff by accident?
Not only you, but we think most of us have experienced this and it’s a little bit distressing. However, when it’s not happening to us and it’s happening to someone else, it becomes quite funny! If you are looking for the terrible things that happened to others, go to the r/facepalm subreddit. We are sure that this is the best place for you.

The r/facepalm subreddit is an online community that is dedicated to sharing the stupidity of individuals online and IRL. About 6.3 million members there often share the screenshots from forums, social media sites, or just real life with others, and they are just so hilarious that we can't help but share them with you now. We have collected 20 of the most mind-boggling examples of real people being incredibly stupid but they are so proud of it. Scroll down to check them out for yourself. Maybe they can brighten up your day. Also, share this list with your friends if you find it amusing.

#1. What about nurses who wear them 8 to 10 hours a day

Source: reddit.com

#2. In fact, it’s happened 7 times

Source: reddit.com

#3. You can still breathe idiot

Source: reddit.com

#4. "Lets spent 10 grand on jewerly."

Source: reddit.com

#5. She didn't deserve it

Source: reddit.com

#6. N95

Source: reddit.com

#7. I wonder why America is so unhappy?

Source: reddit.com

#8. The first women in the epitome of stupid

Source: reddit.com

#9. Well you're not wrong

Source: reddit.com

#10. Logic

Source: reddit.com

#11. Now your own decisions belong to a man you havent met

Source: reddit.com

#12. Whoever runs that station is dumb

Source: reddit.com

#13. It is an insane

Source: reddit.com

#14. Well well well..how the turntables

Source: reddit.com

#15. Scientific name = poison

Source: reddit.com

#16. Gun ownership...

Source: reddit.com

#17. It was media control all along

Source: reddit.com

#18. Checkmate

Source: reddit.com

#19. I get it now

Source: reddit.com

#20. Cops pepper-sprayed their own Senator without realizing he's an authority p

Source: reddit.com