Cats are our great companions who bring tons of joy, love, and companionship into our lives. But there is always bad with the good. Our furry friends are known for being naughty and sassy, so they may behave badly at some point or another. From stealing our food to destroying everything in our house, these silly cats do truly deserve to be punished. But sadly, we can't. Although they do many bad things, we still accept them and forgive them. It's because we love them no matter how bad and weird they are.
In this post, we collected some bad cat behaviors that we accept as part of the reality of owning a cat. Scroll down to check them out!
"Lots of people think chattering is an expression of frustration that the cat can't reach the bird," Johnson explained in an interview with INSIDER. "But recent studies of wild cats in the Amazon rainforest shows that [may not] be the case."
"When cats are young they will knead their mothers to stimulate milk production," Johnson told INSIDER. "We think adult cats knead because it's connected with the soothing and comfortable practice from when they were kittens. It's the same reason some cats drool. They are both little behaviors left over from kittenhood."
In this post, we collected some bad cat behaviors that we accept as part of the reality of owning a cat. Scroll down to check them out!
Source: Twitter
To know more the weird things cats do, why exactly they do them, and how you can learn to live with them, Richard Gowan, senior veterinarian at The Cat Clinic and Nikki Johnson, animal behaviorist at RSPCA Victoria are here to help you."Lots of people think chattering is an expression of frustration that the cat can't reach the bird," Johnson explained in an interview with INSIDER. "But recent studies of wild cats in the Amazon rainforest shows that [may not] be the case."
Source: Twitter
Cats often knead or make biscuits with their paws, but it's not exactly a sign of showing love.
"Domestic and wild cats knead," said Gowan. "This action could be a marking instinct as the cat releases hormones through their feet. [They] might do it on your bed to mark it as theirs.""When cats are young they will knead their mothers to stimulate milk production," Johnson told INSIDER. "We think adult cats knead because it's connected with the soothing and comfortable practice from when they were kittens. It's the same reason some cats drool. They are both little behaviors left over from kittenhood."
Source: Twitter
"You will see tigers exhibit the same behavior in zoos when given access to boxes," Johnson said. "We think it's linked with a feeling of safety and security. If you have your back against the wall you can see everywhere."#4
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