In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Steve Rogers is a legend. Rogers, as Captain America and a key member of the Avengers, is as clean and honorable as superheroes come in many aspects. Perhaps this is why The First Avenger is so easily mocked on the internet. Fans can't help but mock Captain America for his flag-waving patriotism and eye-rolling moral high ground on social media.
But it all stems from a place of love, especially when it comes to Bucky Barnes. Rogers always seems to get the Winter Soldier on the wrong end of his schemes. Today, we list 18 super hilarious things about Captain America which are compiled by fans.
But it all stems from a place of love, especially when it comes to Bucky Barnes. Rogers always seems to get the Winter Soldier on the wrong end of his schemes. Today, we list 18 super hilarious things about Captain America which are compiled by fans.
1. At Least You Guys Need To Make Up!
Source: Marvel Studio
2. Yeah, A Kid!
Source: Marvel Studio
3. Yeah, Sometimes
Source: Marvel Studio
4. Just His habit
Source: Marvel Studio
5. No Time To Change
Source: Marvel Studio
6. Too Straight
Source: Marvel Studio
7. If You Wanna Treasure Your Time
Source: Marvel Studio
8. C'Onnnn
Source: Marvel Studio
Source: Marvel Studio
10. A Simple Scheme
Source: Marvel Studio
11. Speechless
Source: Marvel Studio
12. He Did His Work Well
Source: Marvel Studio
13. His Poses!!
Source: Marvel Studio
14. Driving Tester
Source: Marvel Studio
15. Blunt Force
Source: Marvel Studio
16. Pressure Increasing
Source: Marvel Studio
17. Hero Could Fly
Source: Marvel Studio
18, Age Unsuitable
Source: Marvel Studio