12 Things About Shailene Woodley That Proves She's A Quirky Nature Girl

Margot Nolan

It should come as no surprise that Hollywood has its fair share of oddballs. Some are too bizarre to handle and cause people to take a step back, while others... well, it just adds to their appeal. Take Shailene Woodley as an example. She's utterly eccentric and always does her own thing, but she embraces it like no other. Shailene Woodley isn't hesitant to show people her goofy, eccentric side - she's weird and proud of it. Shailene Woodley rose to prominence in the Divergent series and The Secret Life Of The American Teenager's "that girl." But she quickly filled many more roles, demonstrating her exceptional aptitude.
While her acting chops have definitely endeared her to many and earned her plenty of fans, her quirky tree-hugging personality has become another reason why people love her so much.
If you didn't like her before reading this, you almost certainly would after seeing why admirers adore Shailene Woodley.

#1 Her Pick-Me-Up Is Pocahontas

Source: Disney

She's a fun-loving, compassionate lady who adores Pocahontas. It's the one film she believes teaches the most important lesson, from the plot to the song lyrics.

#2 Heart-To-Heart Hugs

Source: 20th Century Fox

Shailene Woodley enjoys heart-to-heart hugs. What exactly do you mean? Such as you hug someone on the right side so that their hearts are over each other.

#3 Her Religion Is The Earth

Source: Fox Searchlight Pictures

Today, the world is home to thousands of different religions. You can devote yourself to pretty much any cause or belief system you desire, and Shailene believes in trees. She considers the Earth to be her religion. "My religion, dude, is the Earth; I believe in trees."

#4 She Makes Her Own Toothpaste

Source: Sony Pictures Television

Shailene Woodley is a huge DIY aficionado, so it goes without saying that she produces a lot of her own products, including face masks, deodorants, and toothpaste.

#5 She's Used An Herb To Enhance Her Dreams

Source: ABC Family

Dreams may actually be the most pleasurable escapes or the most terrifying horrors. Shailene, on the other hand, is obsessed with dreams. She's spoken openly about her dreams, which range from Jurassic Park-themed horrors to recurring visions of her and her father commandeering a pirate ship. She's even tried a plant recognized for its dream-enhancing properties. Let's hope it doesn't add to her Jurassic Park nightmares.

#6 She Tans Her Lady Parts

Source: Fox Searchlight Pictures

It's not about appearances, remember? It is all about health. Everyone knows that the sun is an excellent source of Vitamin D, which is necessary for our health and well-being. While Vitamin D has numerous health benefits, it turns out that it is especially beneficial in maintaining healthy reproductive organs. So, what exactly does Shai do? If she feels she needs some extra care down below, she makes it a point to receive some sun.

#7 She Eats Clay Like It's No Big Deal

Source: Wikimedia Commons

You read that correctly: Shailene adores eating clay. But she doesn't do it for the sake of eating clay; she discovered that it has numerous health benefits. The best thing is that she learnt it all from her taxi driver - proving that you don't have to be a professor to convey some real information. So, what's the big deal about clay? Some claim it has numerous health benefits, including detoxifying various organs, improving your immune system, and much more.

#8 She May Run For Office


Source: YouTube

Politics is something Shailene is very passionate about. And she's done it before. During the 2016 presidential race, she was a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders and even helped with his campaign. She has thought about running for Congress.

#9 She Eats Raw Garlic

Shai doesn't require a doctor for his medications. She also does not require any over-the-counter medication. Why? She, like her cosmetic goods, makes her own medicine. She gave Jimmy Fallon some very intriguing ideas on which vegetables are wonderful for battling colds and flu, including garlic (antibiotic), ginger (helps with inflammation), and horseradish (cancer fighter). There are numerous veggies and herbs that can assist your immune system in a variety of ways, and Shailene seems to keep them all on hand.

#10 She Wants To Be A Drifter

Many actors like living in luxury, but Shailene is the polar opposite. She has demonstrated that material possessions are unimportant. In fact, she once got rid of practically everything and lived for two months out of a small suitcase, visiting friends and family and sleeping on couches. Shailene has also expressed her desire to be a drifter.

#11 She Doesn't Have A Smartphone

Yes, you read that correctly. Some millennials may find it difficult to understand how one of their peers survives without a smartphone, but Shailene claimed in a 2014 interview that she not only does not have a smartphone, but she also does not have a cell phone. She got rid of all her personal possessions after filming Divergent, including her cell phone. She stated that she wants to interact with people face to face rather than thumb to thumb.

#12 She'll Occasionally Chow Down On A Bug Or Two

If bugs aren't your thing, you might want to pass on this one. Because Shailene has been known to consume a few bugs on occasion. The interviewer at Nylon asked her what the craziest thing she had ever eaten. Her reaction? She's eaten ants as well as June bugs. They were both "amazing!" according to Shailene. "I believe insects are the future of food," she remarked. Are you on board with Shailene's future vision?