Thomas Romain is a French animation creator living in Tokyo. After seeing his sons Ryunosuke, 11, and Itsuki, eight, on a series of 45 doodles and drawings, he came up with an interesting idea of having a collaboration with them to create awesome anime characters. Roman and his sons are now working in what he called "The Father And Sons Design Workshop" - a creative hub and platform for sharing new art with the public.
Romain shares the drawings on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, attracting hundreds of thousands of followers. We have collected some of the most amazing anime-inspired art from him, with the cooperation between the drafts from his sons and the final results. Scroll down to take a look at these pics to see how beautiful they are. We are sure that these lovely and astounding pics will blow you away.
Romain shares the drawings on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, attracting hundreds of thousands of followers. We have collected some of the most amazing anime-inspired art from him, with the cooperation between the drafts from his sons and the final results. Scroll down to take a look at these pics to see how beautiful they are. We are sure that these lovely and astounding pics will blow you away.
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo
Source: thomasintokyo