Throughout their journey as heroes and Earth's saviors, the Avengers have met several adversaries. Thanos, on the other hand, is by far the most serious threat the Avengers have encountered thus far. Without a doubt, Thanos' snap has a nasty and devastating impact, and his actions have left the universe wounded and traumatized to the point that some may never fully recover.
While it's been a while since the events of Infinity War and Endgame, fans haven't forgotten about Thanos, and individuals continue to point out interesting and often humorous things about him. As a result, our mission in this post is to give you the 19 amazing things about Thanos that make you open-mouthed.
While it's been a while since the events of Infinity War and Endgame, fans haven't forgotten about Thanos, and individuals continue to point out interesting and often humorous things about him. As a result, our mission in this post is to give you the 19 amazing things about Thanos that make you open-mouthed.
1. Thanos Knew Loki’s Biggest Lie Is His Loathing To His Brother
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2. Thanos Wanted Thor To See His Brother Die
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3. Thanos Is A Cold-Blooded Warrior
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4. Yondu’s Crushed Ability Would Have Ended The Battle In Wakanda In Seconds
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5. You Can Never Believe How Hard It Is
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6. The World Is Healing
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7. Change The Scenario Where Thanos Snapped Himself Out Of Existence
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8. There Is A Reality In Which The TVA Cut Thanos
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9. If Only Peter Parker "Fixed" Thanos…
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10. Thanos Had No Critical Thinking Necessary To Deter Self Inflicted Genocide
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11. Thanos’ Gauntlet Snap Defied The Logic Of How Snaps Work
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12. That's Make Sense!!!
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13. Thanos Needed A Hug
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14. Thanos’ Snap Not Only Perished Humans But animals And Plants And That's Absolutely Cruel
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15. Poor Thanos’ Army
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16. Thanos Could Have Set Lots Of Time Aside
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17. No One Watched About Thanos During Infinity War
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18. Sure, He's Scared!
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19. Thanos's Marriage
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