Reddit Is Weighing In On User Who Would Rather Help Animals Than People

Carolyn Mullet

On the popular subreddit “r/confession,” a Reddit user who goes by the name u/-NegativeNanci- (otherwise referred to as the original poster, or OP) shared that he would rather help poor animals than people. OP confessed that he donates money to animal shelters and gives money to charities to help animals. However, he doesn't donate to help feed starving or sick people. The reason is OP loves animals much more than people.

Source: u/-NegativeNanci-

After reading OP's confession, Redditors are completely divided in their opinions. Most side with OP and say it's his money and time, and he does what he wants with it. They also say that everyone should help animals as they have a lot more difficult lives than people do. Besides, animals make the world a better place to live while people do the opposite.

Source: r/confessions

Source: r/confessions

Source: r/confessions

Source: r/confessions

Source: r/confessions

Others respect OP's love for animals, but they don't agree with him. They think: "The world we live in was built by people, animals don't. Why not consider humans as animals too and include them as beneficiaries of your help."

Source: r/confessions

Source: r/confessions

Source: r/confessions

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