Before the worldwide epidemic struck, many young adults were working, studying, and building lives on their own. But then, all of a sudden, many of them returned to live with their parents again. According to the 2020 report of the Pew Research Center, the proportion of 18-to-29-year-old Americans who live with their parents has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although the world has now returned to a state of near-normalcy, many adult kids have chosen to stay living with their parents for various reasons. However, more often than not, many people live under the same roof, which poses many challenges. Take the case of this family for example. The parent shared their story on r/AITA and asked other Redditors whether they were wrong for demanding their 19-year-old pay rent. And many people couldn't help but share their opinions about this story.
Although the world has now returned to a state of near-normalcy, many adult kids have chosen to stay living with their parents for various reasons. However, more often than not, many people live under the same roof, which poses many challenges. Take the case of this family for example. The parent shared their story on r/AITA and asked other Redditors whether they were wrong for demanding their 19-year-old pay rent. And many people couldn't help but share their opinions about this story.
A parent recently shared a story of their 19-year-old daughter who lives with them. In that story, the parent described how their daughter came back home with $300 rainbow hair.
Source: haircoloraita
Source: haircoloraita
Here's what Redditors had to say about this situation
Source: baneline2
Source: sr9876
Source: j-j19293
Source: LongjumpingTennis9
Source: IKnowFewThings
Source: RighteousVengeance
Source: DeepFudge9235
Source: jenafreaka
Source: Chelular07
Source: bluebopazula