After its world-conquering success in the 1990s, Walt Disney Animation faced up with a major downturn with a series of boom flops like "Treasure Planet" (2002) and "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" (2001). But Disney didn't give up their epic ambitions and they finally succeeded with one last hit "Lilo and Stick" in 2003.
At that time, “Lilo and Stitch” was considered a breath of fresh air in Disney's history because it didn't tell fairy tales like the previous Mouse House films did. It is the story of a genetically engineered killing machine who escapes from custody on another planet and the little girl who adopts him. In addition, the film also captivates the audience with its fun native Hawaiian music. In 2003, the soundtracks like "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride", "Stuck On You", "He Mele No Lilo",... won an ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards. And the point worth noting is that the characters in this film are the animation style. It almost looked like a perfect hybrid of standard 2D animation with 3D animation.
But that’s not all! There are a lot of interesting facts to learn about this movie. Here's everything you need to know about the film:
At that time, “Lilo and Stitch” was considered a breath of fresh air in Disney's history because it didn't tell fairy tales like the previous Mouse House films did. It is the story of a genetically engineered killing machine who escapes from custody on another planet and the little girl who adopts him. In addition, the film also captivates the audience with its fun native Hawaiian music. In 2003, the soundtracks like "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride", "Stuck On You", "He Mele No Lilo",... won an ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards. And the point worth noting is that the characters in this film are the animation style. It almost looked like a perfect hybrid of standard 2D animation with 3D animation.
But that’s not all! There are a lot of interesting facts to learn about this movie. Here's everything you need to know about the film:
#1 It's an Easter egg that only a few people know!
Source: Flamma_Man
#2 Here are the details:
Source: HellotoHorse
#3 David, a true Disney prince
Source: riseofreylo
#4 This display of love
Source: chelle-the-zbornak-queen
Source: chelle-the-zbornak-queen
#5 Yeah, the colors in the movie are great
#6 So I just need to get this off my chest
Source: dinosaurfucker
Source: dinosaurfucker
Source: dinosaurfucker
#7 ‘Pulp fiction’ fans, did you pick this?
Source: disneyguyfacts
#8 Right in the childhood
Source: Rachel
#9 Love how the cashier is so confused
Source: Jazmina Louise-Grace
#10 Alien Drag Princess
Source: ajirixo
#11 She was amazing!
Source: TrollXChromosomes
#12 Lilo's passion
Source: freakaykikay
#13 Lilo’s unusual hobbies
Source: fyliloandstitch
Source: fyliloandstitch
#14 I love Nani
Source: ozziescribbler
#15 Lilo and Nani deal with loss
Source: fyliloandstitch
Source: fyliloandstitch
#16 Does it???
Source: unearthshyt
#17 Disney relative of all time
Source: lelelego
Source: lelelego
Source: lelelego
#18 Peanut butter sandwiches
Source: fyliloandstitch
#19 Pudge the fish controls the weather
Source: fyliloandstitch
Source: fyliloandstitch
#20 Lost and pulled together
Source: piratical-princess
#21 This is the best invention
Source: 2000ish
#22 Elvis Songs
Source: Ripleys