20 Of The Funniest Tweets From Women This Week

Leona Martinez

The ladies are a special part of this world. So, what makes them so special? Women are the beautiful creation of God. They are bestowed to make the world around them more beautiful and cheerful. Because of being the most sensitive, caring and maternal people as well as always being sympathetic towards people and things, women become much more special to men.
Additionally, the ladies often bring laughter to everyone around them, even to those who are on social media platforms. Take Twitter for example. By sharing the hilarious tweets, these angles have never failed to brighten up our day. If you don't buy it, scroll down to check out 20 of the funniest tweets shared by humorous ladies. We are sure that they will have you rolling on the floor laughing.


Source: AdubbMz


Source: CarmenLagala


Source: alexgmurd


Source: jzux


Source: SarahKomedy


Source: ashleyn1cole


Source: gldivittorio


Source: hellenkeniford


Source: steph_mcca


Source: BrotiGupta


Source: Margoandhow


Source: hi_mija


Source: BtSquared2


Source: mariebardi


Source: TheWittyGirl


Source: makaylaedwardss


Source: sarahhollowell


Source: alex2sexyy


Source: RaxKingIsDead


Source: ImogenWK