28 Small Acts Of Kindness That People Swear They'll Never Forget

Leona Martinez

Every day, we are bombarded by tons of negative news that make us forget that this world is also constructed by wholesome stories as well. There are many random moments of kindness between strangers that can touch your heart.
Recently, a Redditor asked people on the r/AskReddit community, "What’s a small act of kindness you were once shown, that you’ll never forget?" After a few hours, that post received about 74.8k upvotes and about 13.8k comments and then rapidly went viral. Many members of this group have shared their most wholesome stories about the small acts of kindness they received from strangers on this thread. We have collected 28 of the best stories. Scroll down to take a look and upvote for your loves.

Source: stranger2Me


Source: merztoller


Source: BadlyPk


Source: jorcam


Source: countlessbass


Source: A3V01D


Source: saintdelft


Source: KahBhume


Source: I_Have_Nuclear_Arms


Source: Zedfourkay


Source: Bubbazord


Source: bob_rob_III


Source: SuperSmokeyBear


Source: AngelMeatPie


Source: PhreedomPhighter


Source: [deleted]


Source: camworld


Source: J3nMJt


Source: deekochana


Source: Bobothemd


Source: TomiSnake


Source: Back2Bach


Source: DFSdog


Source: castironskilletmilk


Source: Numerous_Emus


Source: Mads_83


Source: dnebesh


Source: melimelsx


Source: cranberryboggle