19 Funny Pics That Prove These People Came From The Year 2100

Leona Martinez

Every day, a sea of problems, from small to big, stretches before us and waits for us to solve. Some people complain that they don't have enough time to handle everything. Other people claim that what they are having to solve is beyond their reach. On the other hand, some individuals, rather than ignore their issues, approach them with a simple brain and then come up with the best solution.

Like these people, they addressed their problems in the blink of an eye. We even thought that they might have come from different planets or from the future. A coat was perfectly used as a chair. Or the idea of FaceTiming the water to make sure it doesn’t boil over while we doing a different task totally blows us away. Now, scroll down to check out more problem-solving methods. You might doubt that they will fail at first, but they work extraordinarily.

#1. But how did it never occur to me?

Source: Fernando__PH

#2. FaceTiming the water so it doesn’t boil over while I’m watching tv in the other room

Source: JustinHillister

#3. In case you were wondering where to put your umbrella...

Source: atm613

#4. It’s been a stealthy three months

Source: imgur.com

#5. When you have the know-how but lack the equipment

Source: imgur.com

#6. We live in 2022 while this guy lives in 3022

Source: afekzananda

#7. Patent-pending, new TV tray

Source: reddit.com

#8. This dude living in 3022

Source: MauArguello3

#9. While we are living in 2022 my dad is living in 3022

Source: YasminParr

#10. Lifehacks for living in the UK

Source: GreatPortfolio

#11. Guy took pictures of Yankees vs Mariners all night like this

Source: reddit.com

#12. In an Aeroport... He is a genius!

Source: reddit.com

#13. He is living in 3022 for sure

Source: onlyhisangrl

#14. This kid on a longboard using a leaf blower to go fast is now my personal hero

Source: reddit.com

#15. This guy’s flight pillow

Source: reddit.com

#16. 2000 IQ

Source: reddit.com

#17. Regular people vs pros

Source: kelownacapitalnews

#18. When you’re stuck at the airport

Source: imgur.com

#19. We hit the lick on AMC

Source: torialynaee