16 Hilarious Pics Of Babies Who Appear To Be One Step Away From Retirement

Leona Martinez

We've all come across babies who seem older than they really are — by about, um, 70 years. So, why are some babies born looking old? Simply put, Progeria is a rare genetic condition that causes a child's body to age faster than it should. Although most children with the condition appear healthy when they are born, they start to show signs of the disease during their first two years of life.

As a result, it's quite normal if you spot a child who is so wrinkly. Here are some pics of babies who look like they are about to give us life advice or say something about "back in my day, things were not the same," with a nostalgic gaze. Scroll down to check out these incredible babies that look like they were born old. And upvote for your most impressive pic.

#1. I think my son is Benjamin Button

Source: imgur.com

#2. Friend of ours had a baby, and he looks like he's almost ready for retirement

Source: imgur.com

#3. My son looks like a 40-year-old man...

Source: imgur.com

#4. When someone says you look like a 60-year-old baby

Source: reddit.com

#5. My wife gave birth to Steve Buscemi

Source: reddit.com

#6. My friend just had a baby, it looks like a grumpy old man

Source: reddit.com

#7. My friend looks like a grumpy 40-year-old man in his baby picture

Source: imgur.com

#8. I birthed the most judgmental baby

Source: reddit.com

#9. 1,000 yard stare

Source: reddit.com

#10. Caught my son at his absolute worst. Looks like he’s been working the night shift for 25 years and cranking a pack of hoons a day

Source: reddit.com

#11. Middle aged 1 month old

Source: reddit.com

#12. Only about 10 hours old and already sick of this

Source: reddit.com

#13. I’m your Danish grandma

Source: reddit.com

#14. Our grumpy old man is 3mo and happy as a clam

Source: reddit.com

#15. Grandma has been grandma since birth

Source: reddit.com

#16. My son is only 5 days old and already has seen some sh*t

Source: imgur.com