20+ Tony Starks Iconic Dialogues That Will Fascinate You

Elise Feyrer

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, some things are questionable. What is the finest film? During Avengers: Civil War, who was on the right side? How does the quantum world make any sense? One point, however, will not be debated: Iron Man's status as the best Avenger. (We apologize for not making the rules.) Robert Downey Jr.'s decades-long portrayal of Tony Stark resurrected the Marvel franchise and transformed it into the juggernaut it is today.
In fact, his comebacks may be the only thing stronger than his Iron Man outfit. Sure, the world was in dire danger, but that doesn't rule out the occasional well-placed joke. These are Tony Stark's driest, most sardonic, and most memorable comments. Below are the 21 iconic Dialogues of Tony Stark that will fascinate you.

1. Zip Your Mouth!

Source: Marvel Studio

2. One Out Of Five

Source: Marvel Studio

3. This Is Classic!

Source: Marvel Studio

4. He "Just"

Source: Marvel Studio

5. Don't Exggerate It, Strange!

Source: Marvel Studio

6. Come On Dude. Don't Let Me Down

Source: Marvel Studio

7. Everyone! Say That Together

Source: Marvel Studio

8. S-Spider-Boy, Lmao!!!

Source: Marvel Studio

9. "Boyband"

Source: Marvel Studio

10. It Is Just Disappointing!

Source: Marvel Studio

11. Multiple Things Were Worse!

Source: Marvel Studio

12. Loki: "..."

Source: Marvel Studio

13. "T...thanks"

Source: Marvel Studio

14. Plz, Just Stop Murmuring!

Source: Marvel Studio

15. Good Job Sir, Good Job!

Source: Marvel Studio

16. Wait, What Is His Name?

Source: Marvel Studio

17. Everything Will Be Okay

Source: Marvel Studio

18. Historically!

Source: Marvel Studio

19. His Mien: "Something Wrong"

Source: Marvel Studio

20. Wait A Minute!

Source: Marvel Studio

21. Who?

Source: Marvel Studio