Following graduation from college, it can be difficult for many of us to settle on a certain course of action regarding our professional lives. Even the most well-known performers did not always have complete certainty that they would be successful.
This provides an explanation for why some of them went to school for medicine while others went to school for law or became economists. And if things keep going the way they are for Eva Longoria and Dwayne Johnson's careers, the rest of the world may never know their names.
This provides an explanation for why some of them went to school for medicine while others went to school for law or became economists. And if things keep going the way they are for Eva Longoria and Dwayne Johnson's careers, the rest of the world may never know their names.
1. Eva Longoria
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Eva Longoria attended Texas A&M University–Kingsville to receive a BS in kinesiology before pursuing a career in acting.2. Lionel Richie
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In 1967, Lionel Richie enrolled at the Tuskegee Institute to study economics and accounting. And now he's a Grammy winner and widely recognized as one of the most successful musicians of the past century.3. Rooney Mara
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Rooney Mara attended New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study before she became a renowned actress studying psychology, international social policy, and NGOs.4. Dwayne Johnson
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The University of Miami awarded Dwayne Johnson a Bachelor of General Studies degree in 1995. His majors were criminology and physiology. He even claimed interest in working for the CIA before realizing he'd need a law degree to get in.5. Dolph Lundgren
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Dolph Lundgren studied chemical engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm before he became Ivan Drago in more than 80 films.6. Gal Gadot
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Gal Gadot served in the Israeli military and then went on to study law at Israel's IDC Herzliya. She never considered a career in acting; if things had gone differently, she would have studied law instead.7. Brooke Shields
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When Brooke Shields enrolled at Princeton University to earn a bachelor's degree in French literature, she was already a well-known model and actress. In 1987, she completed her education and became a graduate.