The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes, a Netflix documentary film about the legendary actress's life and mysterious death, was released on April 27. Marilyn decided to pursue her passion for acting after a successful modeling career. She began her career in films such as The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve, then went on to work in films such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Niagara, and Some Like It Hot. Her remarkable career was tragically cut short when she died at 36 in August 1962. While her cause of death was first declared a prescription medication overdose, several conspiracy theories about her death have persisted through the years. And below are the 27 most fascinating moments in the film.
1. The Time Anthony Summers clarified the extent of his investigation on Marilyn.
2. The Time Anthony discussed the initial hesitationhe was met with while examining Marilyn's death.
3. The Time Anthony talked about how Marilyn used a misogynistic Hollywood system to her advantage.
4. The Time director John Huston described how Marilyn created some of the most impressive performances in cinema.
5. The Time Jane Russell described Marilyn's harsh work ethic.
6. The Time Marilyn's propensity to drift from one friend group to another was said.
7. The Time Marilyn's "it" factor always supervised to show itself.
8. The Time Anthony read Marilyn's psychiatric evaluations.
9. The Time Marilyn opened up about her then-new chemistry with Bobby Kennedy.
10. The Time Danny remembered hearing about Marilyn's gloomy thoughts.
11. The Time Marilyn's positiveness for her romance with Arthur Miller was recalled.
12. The Time Marilyn made moves to be taken more seriously in her acting career.
13. The Time Marilyn's friends recalled her want to have children.
14. The Time John Huston noticed Marilyn's prescription drug problem while shooting The Misfits.
15. The Time origins of Marilyn's chemistry with John F. Kennedy were shown.
16. The Time union leader, Jimmy Hoffa, approached private detective, Fred Otash, to wiretap the Kennedy brothers and Marilyn.
17. The Time director George Cukor predicted Marilyn's enduring prevalence.
18. The Time researchers recollected hearing intimate moments between Marilyn and the Kennedys.
19. The Time the FBI examined Marilyn during the Cold War climate.
20. The Time Anthony traced the Kennedys' troubles over delicate information they'd discussed with Marilyn.
21. The Time Anthony pd out inconsistent details about the reported timeline of Marilyn's death.
22. The Time Anthony heard admissions that Marilyn had been picked up by an ambulance on the night of her death and didn't die.
23. The Time Dr. Ralph Greenson's knowledge of how Marilyn's death played out was questioned.
24. The Time Anthony found Bobby Kennedy had been in town at the time of Marilyn's death, and a fight happened.
25. The Time Anthony investigated the idea that the specifics of Marilyn's death were kept quiet because of her association with the Kennedys.
26. The Time Peter Lawford asked all information documenting the Kennedys' relationship with Marilyn be destroyed.
27. The Time Anthony voiced his conclusions about what happened to Marilyn.