Here's What Happens To Coloring Books When Adults Color In

Leona Martinez

Kids love coloring in coloring books. But spending hours coloring is only a childhood pastime? Think again. Many adults are also interested in this type of art. And recently, the adult coloring book trend has spread nationwide, with some even popping up on bestseller lists. The reason is simple. There are countless health benefits of coloring for adults, channeling their inner artist, de-stressing and bringing a sense of peace - just to name a few.
However, because the perspectives of adults are totally different from the perspectives of kids, more often than not, the final results might not be as you expect. The Corrupting children's coloring books. subreddit is an online community where its members are dedicated their time sharing their darkly humorous and twisted work. The images certainly are shocking and controversial - some find them creative and hilarious, while others find them sickening and obscene. Scroll down to check them out.


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions


Source: coloringcorruptions