A Paw-Dorable Thread: Reddit Users Share Awesome And Hilarious Stories Of Cats Visiting Neighbors

Carolyn Mullet

Cats are curious creatures who love entering other homes, especially those of your neighbors. They do that because they may want to gain new territory, look for more food, seek companionship, or simply find peace. But no matter what the reasons are, most neighbors welcome these feline friends and even satisfy their wants. They will keep returning to the home if the homeowner offers tasty food, affection, and attention. Some cats even decide to come to live with the neighbors instead of with their owners!
A Reddit user (u/UnusualSoup) who made this thread has some experience with that problem, as their neighbor's cat comes and chills on the back door almost every day! The OP shared a pic of their neighbor's cat with the caption, "When my neighbor's cat is bored she comes to the back door and watches what's happening for hours."

Source: u/UnusualSoup

The thread then got many responses from Reddit users. Many people asked the OP to give more information about the cat's life.

Source: u/UnusualSoup

Many shared hilarious stories of cats visiting neighbors. Scroll down to see!


Source: r/pics


Source: r/pics


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Source: r/pics


Source: r/pics

Here's how people reacted to the OP's story:

Source: r/pics

Source: r/pics

Source: r/pics

Source: r/pics

What do you think about these stories? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!