Man Steals His Friend's Turtle And Releases It Into The Wild, Reddit Is Backing Him Completely

Carolyn Mullet

When it comes to pets, we think of cats and dogs. It's easy to realize that they are the most popular content on our web. But in this post, we would like to turn the spotlight on turtles and turtle owners. As calm and peaceful creatures, turtles can make great pets. They're extremely interesting and have individual personalities. However, some people think that turtles should be in their environment that has water to swim in and a place to climb out instead of living as a house pet.
The man in this post also agrees that turtles belong in their natural habitats. They may live as pets if their owners treat them well. Therefore, when he noticed his friend's turtle living in unsafe conditions, he rescued it and took it home. Of course, his friend was pissed at him and forced him to bring the turtle back to him. Scroll down to read the incredible details of this story:

Source: u/Them_apples_95

Source: u/Them_apples_95

As it turns out, the turtle belongs to the owners of the house his friend is renting. But no matter who owns the turtle, the man said "no" and personally felt like this was a harmless action. He takes care of the turtle while looking for the best solution for it. He wants to release it in a pond, but he is worried that it has a potential risk to putting it in a natural habitat.

Source: u/Them_apples_97

For this reason, he then went on Reddit to ask if he was wrong for robbing the turtle, what Reddit users thought about all of this, and what they would do in his shoes. Most people side with the man and advise him to look for a rescue instead of just setting it free. Keep scrolling to read their responses!

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

What do you think about this situation? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!