32 Iconic "The Office" Moments From Its Best Episode:"Dinner Party"

Margot Nolan

The Office. Everyone's favorite modern mockumentary sitcom. The perfect blend of cringe and comedy. From start to finish, it's just a great, great show. There's something special about it, the way the characters grew, but the show still had a charm to it. One big reason The Office works is the way it balances serialized stories that take place across many episodes with stories finished in a single episode. That serialized quality makes viewers feel at home at Dunder Mifflin.
Of course, one of the best episodes of the show is "Dinner Party". In the episode, Michael Scott and his girlfriend Jan, the former Vice-President of Regional Sales at Dunder Mifflin, throw a dinner party and invite Jim and Pam, Andy and Angela, as well as an uninvited Dwight. As you can expect, it's equal parts second-hand embarrassment and gut-busting comedy. But this episode is a special one. Not only is it one of the few episodes to take place primarily outside the office (it takes place at Michael and Jan's sad little condo), the episode was actually filmed in a condo, not on a set. Dinner Party also showcases the best quirks of the characters featured. It's a flawless episode.
Dinner Party isn't just the best episode of The Office, it might be the best episode in the history of televised comedy. Why? Here are 32 moments to prove it to you, from beginning to end. From Dwight crying to Jim and Pam wanting SO BAD to leave, to Michael admitting he had 3 VASECTOMIES. Everything is absolutely brilliant.

#1 Michael successfully tricks Jim to join the dinner party

Source: NBC

#2 Dwight not getting invited because its couples only

Source: NBC

#3 Pam and Jim arrive at the condo

Source: NBC

#4 The stairwell art

Source: NBC

#5 Jan showing her workplace

Source: NBC

#6 Jan shoving the candle to Jim's nose

Source: NBC

#7 When they enter the bedroom

Source: NBC

#8 Michael revealed he sleeps at the foot of the bed because Jan has "space issues"

Source: NBC

#9 Michael showing his wonderful plasma screen TV

Source: NBC

#10 "Sometimes I will just stand here and watch television for hours"

Source: NBC

#11 Michael calling Jan his second-best trophy

Source: NBC

#12 "When in Spain"

Source: NBC

#13 The smoking afterbirth of wine

Source: NBC

#14 Jan dancing to her old assistant's song

Source: NBC

#15 Jan dancing with Jim

Source: NBC

#16 Jan implying Michael cheats on her with Pam

Source: NBC

#17 "He's laughing"

Source: NBC

#18 Jim and Pam tries to bail

Source: NBC

#19 Jim tries to throw Pam under the bus

Source: NBC

#20 When it's Michael's turn into a celebrity and he gets to two people.

Source: NBC

#21 Girls' trip

Source: NBC

#22 Michael promoting Serenity by Jan

Source: NBC

#23 Michael revealed he had THREE vasectomies

Source: NBC

#24 Pam thinks Jan is trying to poison her

Source: NBC

#25 Michael dipping meat into wine

Source: NBC

#26 Dwight bringing his ex-babysitter as a date

Source: NBC

#27 Michael's neon beer sign

Source: NBC

#28 The huge fight

Source: NBC

#29 The police arrives and Michael takes the fall

Source: NBC

#30 Michael trying to stay with Jim for the night

Source: NBC

#31 Angela and Andy getting icecream

Source: NBC

#32 Dwight giving Michael a ride but not his date/ex-babysitter

Source: NBC