Dogs Love Bacon is a comic that follows the lives of two rescue dogs a Pomeranian and a Cojack (Corgi-Jack Russel mix) and their human Angie Chan. She is the artist and illustrator of Dogs Love Bacon). The comic was released at the end of 2020 to make people smile and bring some cheers to them.
"As the adventures continue and my dogs keep adding spice and fun to my life, I want to share some new comics that I’ve made," the artist shared.
Here are some funny comics that illustrate the adventures of living with two rescue dogs and the funny reality of being a dog owner. Scroll down to see!
More info: Website/ Instagram
"As the adventures continue and my dogs keep adding spice and fun to my life, I want to share some new comics that I’ve made," the artist shared.
Here are some funny comics that illustrate the adventures of living with two rescue dogs and the funny reality of being a dog owner. Scroll down to see!
More info: Website/ Instagram
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
"We started a whole new way to create stories and opened it up to anyone with a story to tell. We’re home to thousands of creator-owned content with amazing, diverse visions from all over the world. Get in on the latest original romance, comedy, action, fantasy, horror, and more from big names and big names to be - made just for WEBTOON. We’re available anywhere, anytime, and always for free," they wrote on their website.#2
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon
Source: Dogs Love Bacon