20 Hilarious Parenting Tweets That Every Parent Can Relate To

Leona Martinez

Have you ever brought up a child? If your answer is "Yes", we are sure that you have heard your kid say the darndest things. Kids are so young that their brains are not fully developed; therefore, they need a lot of remodeling before they can function as adult brains. Consequently, little angels, more often than not, can churn out some words that are insanely hilarious to the point that parents can't help but share those with other people online.
Despite the fact that raising kids is challenging, it also has a lot of fun. Take these parents below for example. For them, parenting is full of laughter. They have posted weird and funny things their kids said on Twitter. And we have round up the most hilarious quips to spread the joy. Scroll down to check them out for yourselves. If you're a parent then you're sure to relate to many of them.


Source: daddygofish


Source: RateMySalad


Source: sweetmomissa


Source: HomeWithPeanut


Source: mommajessiec


Source: bekindofwitty


Source: XplodingUnicorn


Source: Chhapiness


Source: ElyKreimendahl


Source: SweetPea1636


Source: sarcasticmommy4


Source: michimama75


Source: bekindofwitty


Source: MichaelVogel1


Source: morninggloria


Source: Wordesse


Source: dadmann_walking


Source: Dad_At_Law


Source: pro_worrier_


Source: reallifemommy3