8 Justice League Members Have The Knack Of Speed

Elise Feyrer

DC superheroes have various talents and abilities, such as Superman with the knack for flight, superhuman strength, x-ray vision, or Aquaman with the aptitude of superhuman strength, the ability to breathe underwater. However, one power that many members of the Justice League share are super speed. They can have a better vision and an advantage while fighting antagonists or saving innocent civilians thanks to a high speed.
As mentioned, not only The Flash but the majority of DC superheroes have an ability of super speed. But some Justice League members don't need the Speed Force to be incredibly fast. Below are eight DC characters that possess the skill of speed, some are compared to the speed of light and some are juxtaposed with a speeding bullet.

1. Martian Manhunter

Source: DC

Martian has a knack for shape-shifting and telepathy. Moreover, he's also very fast, both while flying and when running, which has come in handy for him and the team. Compared to other members of the team, he's on the lower end of the speed spectrum but still pretty impressive.

2. Wonder Woman

Source: DC

Wonder Woman, one of the League's most significant members, has various abilities that make her a physical powerhouse for the team, and her speed is a big part of that. She's fast enough to block bullets fired and can run very fast when she needs to.

3. Shazam

Source: DC

Shazam's speed has served him very well over the years. His limitation in speed still remains unknown because he seldom does any serious interstellar mission. Yet, he can be anywhere on the planet very quickly and no one can deny his aptitude for speed.

4. Supergirl

Source: DC

Thanks to her incredible speed, she can hit superluminal velocities with little fuss. As a result, It allows her to zip around the world and save the innocent from calamity as well as allowing her to travel to distant worlds

5. Superman

Source: DC

He is much faster than the eye can perceive, able to move very quickly when he has to. However, his flying speed is where things get really impressive.  For that reason, he can be anywhere in the world in seconds.

6. The League's Green Lanterns

Source: DC

While using ring-assisted flying, not only can Human Green Lanterns run and move as fast as a person in good shape, but they also have incredible speed. They spend much time patrolling their sectors, meaning faster than the speed of light travel is the name of the game.

7. Barry Allen

Source: DC

The Flash (Barry Allen)is an absolute master of the science of speed. He is fast enough to break the time and multiversal barriers. His speed is unmatched for years.

8. Wally West

Source: DC

Wally West, who is widely considered the best Flash, mastered the Speed Force and became the fastest being to ever exist. He's able to do everything Barry did, only much faster, and could easily beat his uncle.