Woman Chastises Employee Who Doesn't Work There For Not Doing Their Job

Leona Martinez

'Karens'. Whenever we hear that name, we all cringe. Karens appear everywhere. As a result, we are confident that you have come across at least one entitled person who always assumes that other people owe them something. But do you know that Karens are not always well-prepared? More often than not, they mistreat people and then reveal themselves. At the end, when reality proves to be the polar opposite of their expectations, the truth slams them in the face. At that point, Karen feels nothing more than humiliated and angry. And they eventually become the punchline to the joke.
There are millions of stories out there about Karens being killed by kindness. But this one is totally different. The Karen in this story was completely defeated just by kindness to the point that she just wanted to bury her head on the ground. Scroll down below to check out the whole story and feel free to share your opinion with us in the comment section.
If you like this type of story, check out our previous post which is about a Canadian man who exacts an act of petty revenge on a rude grocery store Karen, and then kills her with kindness.

Source: WaffleRaven

And here’s what Reddit users said:

Source: SheWhoLovesToDraw

Source: occultpretzel

Source: Dont_touch_my_elbows

Source: josbeefland