Mysterious Egyptian Tablet Might Be Ancient Aircraft Control Panel

Larry Campbell

This is possibly a replica of a much earlier but far more advanced item utilized by the ancient divine beings and demigods of Egypt, according a number of Egyptologists and theorists.
Within only a few seconds looking at the bizarre object, one might be struck with the idea that it was probably and out-of-place artifact, literally not relevant to the time it’s dated.
The strange tablet from Ancient Egypt measures around 49 cm in diameter, 13 cm in height and 75 kg in weight. It was carefully created from alabaster, a material unique in the region, often used for many structures, including sarcophagi.

Source: Leiden Museum of Antiquities

However, the spectacular artifact is completely different from any objects created in this prehistoric era, and nothing alike has been discovered up to now, as it has circular openings and basically inexplicable reliefs that scholars have failed to understand even after years of research. The visible features cause the object to look like a control table of a modern airplane.
A number of Egyptologists and theorists believe that this is the replica of a much earlier item, created from different, less weather-resistant, but remarkably more advanced materials used by Gods and Demigods, perhaps a recreation of the alien technology seen in the past by the ancients.
The object was first retrieved by the Dutch museum in 1828, which was an exceptionally astonishing information at that time. However, experts remain unknown about where it came from, though other Egyptian objects’ authenticity can still be validated even if their provenance is lost. Currently, it is stored in the Leiden Museum of Antiquities.

Source: Leiden Museum of Antiquities

Experts in the field, through a number of inspections and evaluations, confirmed its authenticity. The enigmatic contraption was found over 4 and a half millennia ago, instantly related to Egypt’s fifth dynasty of pharaohs.
Only a small portion of its possible history can be deduced from the hieroglyphics found on its surface. This tablet, according to one interpretation (there are others, all quite different), was used for the libation of deceased members of the highest Egyptian hierarchy in order for them to successfully enter the underworld.
No matter what the object is, its similarity to modern equipment continues to perplex even the most sceptics and experts who have been unable to come up with a solid explanation for the find.