9 Reasons Why Hawkeye Deserves Respect From Other Avengers

Elise Feyrer

Side by side with other superheroes, Hawkeye absolutely has something to do alongside them. And his knack is archery. Not only does he have a knack for shooting arrows, but he also has an incredible vision, which helps him control the ambient things efficiently. As a result, he becomes a real warrior in the Avenger team.
He is also famous for his consistency and equanimity. As such, he sometimes gives birth to critical decisions for the Avengers and gains respect from others. He has a sense of willingness to save the world and the universe. He hence chipped into countless vital battles and gave an important hand to conquer the enemies. Below are nine times that prove Hawkeye is the most respectable superhero in the MCU.

1. Fight The Chitauri

Source: Marvel Studio

He shot many of them with his arrows as he fought from a tall building, informing his comrades of anything that he saw so they could work together to protect the city. The Chitauri eventually got up to him, but he was able to fight back and get to safety with the other Avengers.

2. Shot An Explosive Arrow At Loki

Source: Marvel Studio

When Hawkeye shoots an arrow at him. Loki surprisingly caught it, only to be shocked when it blew up in his face. The explosion knocked him into Stark Tower, where Hulk was able to beat him up. If Hawkeye hadn't shot Loki, the Avengers may not have been able to defeat the Asgardian Frost Giant.

3. Take Care Of Wanda When They Fought Ultron

Source: Marvel Studio

Wanda was stressed and blamed herself for temporarily teaming up with Ultron earlier, so Clint helped her calm down. He let her know that no matter what their past was, they were now comrades and that he considered her to be an Avenger if she fought Ultron with him, which she did.

4. Fight Other Avengers

Source: Marvel Studio

Captain America was the leader of those fighting for their freedom, and Hawkeye joined him in the fight, despite being considered a criminal as a result.

5. Return To The Avengers

Source: Marvel Studio

After the first finger snap of Thanos, Hawkeye went on a dark road as he became an assassin, known as Ronin. But when he knew his former comrades that were still around had come up with a plan to bring back those that vanished in Avengers: Endgame, Clint left his life of crime to help them in any way that he could.

6. Tried To Sacrifice Himself To Get The Soul Stone

Source: Marvel Studio

When Hawkeye and Black Widow teamed up to find the Soul Stone. Little did they know that a sacrifice needed to be made in order to obtain it. Not wanting his best friend to die, Clint was willing to let go of his dream of seeing his family again and sacrifice himself.

7. Kept The Infinity Gauntlet Safe

Source: Marvel Studio

As he was attacked in the movie's epic final battle, he gave it to Black Panther. The superheroes began passing it around to each other until Iron Man was able to use the Infinity Stones to make Thanos fade away, which he wouldn't have been able to do without Hawkeye's help.

8. Protected Kate

Source: Marvel Studio

Clint learned that Kate had obtained his Ronin suit and that the Tracksuit Mafia, former enemies of his, began to target her. Not wanting anyone to know that he was Ronin but also knowing that he couldn't let anything bad happen to Kate, he protected her throughout the series and even taught her a lot about being a great archer.

9. He Got Home In Time To Celebrate Christmas With His Family

Source: Marvel Studio

As Hawkeye's children were looking forward to celebrating Christmas with him in Hawkeye, they were disappointed that he couldn't be home on the days leading up to it. However, at the end of the series, he made it home in time to be with his family, making them very happy.