18 Times Parents Perfectly Nail The Struggle Of Raising Boys On Twitter

Leona Martinez

Little boys are treated differently than their female counterparts from the day they are born. For example, they are held less frequently by their parents. They are picked up less often when they are crying. They also have more distance and reserve from their fathers than small girls. As a result, boys have such different characteristics from girls, which makes raising boys much more unique. Despite the fact that raising boys is difficult, it is also interesting and entertaining.
We have gathered some of the most hilarious tweets from boy moms that perfectly sum up the struggle of raising boys to share with you. These tweets are bound to make you laugh until the tears roll down your face. Now, take a few minutes to scroll down to check them out. And if you are also raising a boy, feel free to share your funny experiences with us in the comments.


Source: sarcasticmommy4


Source: ramblinma


Source: mylifesuckers


Source: UnfilteredMama


Source: 21stcenturysahm


Source: sarcasticmommy4


Source: steveolivas


Source: Cheeseboy22


Source: mommy_cusses


Source: HenpeckedHal


Source: Parkerlawyer


Source: LurkAtHomeMom


Source: IDontSpeakWhine


Source: 21stcenturysahm


Source: TheMomAtLaw


Source: sarcasticmommy4


Source: mommajessiec


Source: cydbeer