30 Of The Craziest Things Kids Said Will Make You Die Laughing

Leona Martinez

Kids often say the darndest things. It's a well-known truth because when growing up, children are always curious about the world and they always ask questions about everything happening around them. That is the reason why adults call them the most fabulous little philosophers. However, because the great-minded people even make mistakes, kids, more often than not, get a little misunderstood and come up with many weird and hilarious thoughts that have their parents rolling on the floor laughing.
Here are 30 pics capturing the darned weird stuff kids said or did we have collected. They are totally shocked. Scroll down to check them out and try not to have a small heart attack through it. Also, remember to upvote for your favorite. And share this list with your friends if you find it hilarious.

#1. 3 for 1 special

Source: reddit.com

#2. What was she going to do after that? Try and start the car?

Source: reddit.com

#3. Brilliant!!

Source: reddit.com

#4. What a worthwhile way to spend 800000 hours because typing on this is murder

Source: reddit.com


Source: reddit.com

#6. Oh, cool

Source: laurabaileyvo

#7. Poor kid

Source: reddit.com

#8. It's not cool

Source: nicoleacrowley

#9. Guess what has he seen

Source: reddit.com

#10. Having kids be like

Source: gregstone_

#11. She is an evil genius

Source: bwecht

#12. My kid swallowed a penny while showing his little brother how he accidentally swallowed a simm key the day before

Source: reddit.com

#13. Kids’ll get you hung!

Source: anitathetweeter

#14. If it fits, it goes in the drain

Source: reddit.com

#15. Kid buys farts from amazon

Source: reddit.com

#16. All noses are weird

Source: ThisOneSayz

#17. In case you were wondering, this is what it looks like when a diaper makes its way into the wash... been scooping this goo-snow stuff out for half an hour now ?

Source: reddit.com

#18. Play like nobody's watching

Source: reddit.com


Source: kmvirgo24

#20. Oops

Source: someboysmother

#21. I complimented my wife on the design on the back of her dress not realizing it was our son's vomit

Source: reddit.com

#22. End of story

Source: reddit.com

#23. That went downhill fast...

Source: reddit.com

#24. Big Jim needs to calm down

Source: adamliaw

#25. Scaring…

Source: Tobi_Is_Fab

#26. Counting to 1 million...

Source: reddit.com

#27. Parenting win!

Source: TomVH

#28. Legend-airy

Source: reddit.com

#29. My 3 yr old insisted on making me breakfast

Source: reddit.com

#30. How do you lose a cello?

Source: BarbierAbra

#31. What? The Tooth Fairy is made out of money now?

Source: reddit.com