Teachers Are Sharing 20 Of The Most Laugh-Out-Loud Things Their Students Have Ever Said

Leona Martinez

Kids always know how to bring laughter to everyone around them. Because they are on their way to discovering the world, more often than not, they frequently churn out some weird words that make adults can't help but laugh out loud. Today, we will focus more on the most amusing things students have ever said in class.
A Redditor Moosepajamas posted a fun question, “Teachers of Reddit, what is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a student say?”. And as you can expect, the thread went viral immediately, with over 1.6k comments. Teachers shared the funniest stories that push the term hilarious to a whole new level. And we have chosen 20 of the greatest responses. Scroll down to check them out and share your thoughts in the comment section below. Now, laugh out loud with us.

Source: moosepajamas


Source: odzilla79


Source: numero1uno


Source: WalterWhitesHairLine


Source: wicked_amb


Source: reptilefood


Source: moosepajamas


Source: MalleyMooBeags


Source: chrisrayn


Source: UnicornGirl24


Source: ColdStainlessNail


Source: Deadsolidperfect


Source: harper_dog


Source: Garlic_and_Sapphires


Source: mywurstenemy


Source: allaphoristic


Source: bunsenbernerr


Source: BoBoShaws


Source: SquirrelSanctuary


Source: redditstateofmind


Source: MoonieNine