20 Hotel Employees Reveal The Worst Thing They've Found After A Guest Has Checked Out

Leona Martinez

Working in the hotel sector exposes you to many types of travelers. Some will be business guests, while others will be tourists and visitors. Of course, for the customer service industry, 'the customer is the king' can be seen as their motto. Because they make a profit mainly by providing lodging services, hotel employees serve their customer's demands unconditionally, even though those are extremely weird.
Furthermore, when working in a hotel, employees can discover the grossest, darkest sides of humanity. And they can hear some of the most bizarre words uttered by their clients across the reception desk. So, when a Reddit user asked hotel employees, "What's the worst thing you've seen in a room after someone has checked out?" many people didn't hesitate to share their most entertaining, disgusting, or disturbing discoveries after a guest had checked out. Scroll down to check out 20 of the best ones.

Source: Thorbjorn-ye


Source: Inglorious_Inge


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Source: Nukeitandstartover


Source: No_You_7018


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Source: LoisLane777


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Source: Really_McNamington


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Source: tamadrum32