Smartasses could be found anywhere in the world. They are snarky, they are not afraid to point out that you are wrong. It can get annoying after a certain point. They are always looking for an argument and whenever they are in one, they want to be the one coming out on top at any cost.
Here are 20 smartasses that we have gathered for this article, who leave brutal comments on the web just for the kick of it. It's almost impossible to argue with them - they possess the most argumentative, quick-witted brains, and you can't help but say to yourself: "geez, I'm glad I wasn't the one being replied by these guys".
Here are 20 smartasses that we have gathered for this article, who leave brutal comments on the web just for the kick of it. It's almost impossible to argue with them - they possess the most argumentative, quick-witted brains, and you can't help but say to yourself: "geez, I'm glad I wasn't the one being replied by these guys".