Flat-Earther Clarifies The Reason Why No One Has Fallen Off The Edge

Larry Campbell

An ardent flat-earther has answered the age old question of: ‘Well, why don’t you fall off the edge of the Earth?’
“Fall off into what, do you know what I’m saying? There’s no edge. This is a misconception,” Murphy told Unilad.
“The way we see it is it’s an enclosed system. There’s water above, there’s the firmament – or the dome – and there’s water above it and water below it and there’s no leaving it, there’s no anti-gravity allowing us to float around and find other Suns and stuff.”
So nobody falls off the edge because we’re all in a massive snow globe. Pretty convincing stuff.
So says Flat Earth conspiracies abounds and Connor Murphy reckons the “snow globe” is the right one. Connor, is the son of famous flat-earther Dave Murphy, spoke about NASA, the Sun, Photoshop and pretty much everything you’ve ever wanted to ask someone who thinks the reason you see the curvature of Earth from space is a giant con.

Source: Pinterest

In the interview, Murphy went on to accuse NASA of covering up that the Earth was flat in order to make more money, before contradicting his earlier view that we don’t fall off because we’re in a dome.
“Basically if you can imagine the globe squashed down with Antarctica instead of being its own continent, being the perimeter around the side. So a lot of people say that’s an ice wall. It’s more like a shelf or cliff.”
So the reason why we don’t fall off is because of the big ice wall, and if you get past that you hit the dome. Don’t you feel better know Connor is out there thinking this all through for our benefit.
More insanity in the video below.