Ancient Passage Crypt With Mysterious Inscriptions

Larry Campbell

The Gavrinis tomb, built around 3500 BC, is a megalithic construction famous for its profusion of megalithic art in the European Neolithic situated in the Gulf of Morbihan, off the rocky coast of Brittany, France.
Archaeologists were completely taken aback to find out the inscriptions on the ancient walls of the Gavrinis tomb: the accurate amount of Earth’s circumference, number of days in a year, the mathematical constant (pi), and the exact longitude and latitude of Gavrinis.

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“Gavrinis is a remarkable tomb unlike anything that has ever been uncovered,” claims Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, a prominent prehistoric astronaut theorist. The crypt has very complicated mathematical comprehension from the primordial era, leaving researchers in questions.
The most interesting feature of Gavrinis is the spirals and other patterns etched into huge rock slabs almost looking like fingerprints. Mathematicians who inspected the tomb concluded that there are secret messages, mainly mathematical ones.

Source: Wikimedia Uploads

Researchers started to take several measurements of the rock formations inside Gavrinis when they got there, shortly after they found that the rock weren’t randomly arranged. They believe that remarkable mathematical knowledge and ability are contained within the rocks.
52 megaliths, half of which inscribed with strange patterns, were used to construct the tomb. Size of Earth’s diameter, number of days in a year, and mathematical constant are accurately calculated by adding dividing, and multiplying the number of symbols by the number of key rocks or group of rocks (pi).

Source: Wikimedia Uploads

Being specifically a special number in mathematics, the (pi) is the ratio of a circle’s perimeter to its diameter, which is the basic element of all circles, according to Sara Seager, Professor of Planetary Sciences.
Mr. Tsoukalos writes, “These incredible ancient mathematicians not only determined the number (pi) considerably earlier than it was discovered but also the exact longitude and latitude of the island.” This is interesting to consider since how could primitive people without advanced technology know the island’s latitude and longitude? Isn’t it bizarre?