This Man Inserts Disney Characters Into Real-life Photos And The Results Are Hilarious

Margot Nolan

For many of us, Disney films are an excellent source of Entertainment and study. Colorful and energetic characters in all Disney series always catch the attention of kids and adults. As a kid, have you ever imagined stepping into your TV set screen to live with your favorite cartoon characters? Of course, this is possible, but some artists have reimagined worlds where it could happen.
Instagram user 'francoisdourlen' is one of them. This photographer has put Disney characters into real-life situations, and the results are pretty amazing. You can find familiar characters from the House Of Mouse such as Ariel, Pocahontas, Minions,... but in another background! And these images successfully wow Disney fans as they look so "real" and funny.
Now, this man has over 181k Instagram followers waiting for his creations. In the collection below, we've gathered some of his best and latest photos. Scroll down and enjoy!

#1 Minions perfectly matches the yellow oxygen tank

Source: Francois Dourlen

#2 Mushu (Mulan form) jump out from TV screen to real life.

Source: Francois Dourlen

#3 Harry Poster's hat is great!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#4 Wow, it's so amazing!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#5 A great classic scene!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#6 This photographer is so creative!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#7 Moana has a new skirt!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#8 Yeah, it's so fun!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#9 It fits perfectly, right?

Source: Francois Dourlen

#10 New version of "The Lion King"

Source: Francois Dourlen

#11 A new classic scene in "Lady and The Tramp"

Source: Francois Dourlen

#12 Winnie The Pooh

Source: Francois Dourlen

#13 The Little Mermaid by the sea

Source: Francois Dourlen

#14 Mulan is painting

Source: Francois Dourlen

#15 This one is a little pulled by the wings

Source: Francois Dourlen

#16 Clearly a time and a day to have a fondue!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#17 That's why it doesn't go ahead with the green light

Source: Francois Dourlen

#18 So creative!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#19 It's totally reasonable!

Source: Francois Dourlen

#20 Oh, Bambi

Source: Francois Dourlen