16 Unknown Details About Tony Stark That You Need To Know

Elise Feyrer

It is indisputable that Tony is an indispensable Avenger in the MCU. Thanks to his intelligence and genius, people on the earth have been saved from terrorists to even a god - Thanos. Stark's quick-witted one-liners and rapid-fire references made him one of the most beloved characters in the franchise and his loyalty to the rest of the Avengers is priceless. It's no wonder fans still realize things about a character as complex as Tony Stark
There are multiple things we can pay attention to Tony, it can take days to point out. But his personality is the first worth mentioning. As a billionaire, he is philanthropic and haughty sometimes, but luckily they are just the cover. Below are the details and evidence proving Tony is attentive and heartful not only to his love but also to his friends.

16. I Don't Know Whether Tony's Face Is Hilarious Or Derisive

Source: Marvel Studio

15. But Hulk Is Indeed Amusing

Source: Marvel Studio

14. Yeah, Emotional From Men To Things

Source: Marvel Studio

13. An Attentive Inner Of Tony

Source: Marvel Studio

12. He Is Absolutely A Father Role Model

Source: Marvel Studio

11.  The Real Tony

Source: Marvel Studio

10.  The Change

Source: Marvel Studio

9. The Moment That Changed The MCU

Source: Marvel Studio

8. He Always Throws On

Source: Marvel Studio

7. Assuming A Lower Status Is One Way To Show The Love

Source: Marvel Studio

6. The Same Loving Mien

Source: Marvel Studio

5. He Knew What Would Happen

Source: Marvel Studio

4. Love Is Baffling

Source: Marvel Studio

3. Congeniality

Source: Marvel Studio

2. Worst Of The Worst

Source: Marvel Studio

1. No Time To Sleep

Source: Marvel Studio