15+ The Most Hilarious Dialogues In MCU Movies So Far

Elise Feyrer

Not only did the Marvel Cinematic Universe give us various incredible Movies and worthwhile watching minutes, but they also know how to make us burst into laughter by a small dialogue. The screenwriters who have worked on Marvel Studios films have seen fit to add plenty of MCU jokes and Marvel puns. Obviously, with things that have been done, they deserve a super award. Their contribution indeed is undeniable.
They all make us titter, whether it is a pun from a genius Avenger Tony Stark, a black joke from Black Widow or some innocuous innuendo from your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. Over 27 movies, there are multiple funny moments to name. Based on fans' votes and our observation, we have selected 16 times that you may find interesting

1. Speechless

Source: Marvel Studio

2. You Think I Am Fine?

Source: Marvel Studio

3“I’m Gonna Call Him Ant-ony.”

Source: Marvel Studio

4.  Guardians of the Circus

Source: Marvel Studio

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Source: Marvel Studio

6. Captain America: Civil War

Source: Marvel Studio

7. Spider-Man is always hilarious

null />Source: Marvel Studio

8. Absolutely ridiculous

Source: Marvel Studio

9. Guardians of the Circus Part 2

Source: Marvel Studio

10. just Do What I Say!

Source: Marvel Studio

11. Please Pretend That You Know It

Source: Marvel Studio

12. He is disdainfully funny

Source: Marvel Studio

13. Absolutely Violated

Source: Marvel Studio

14. Wasp and Him Are Adorable Though

Source: Marvel Studio

15. Jackson Pollock: "Where Am I?"

Source: Marvel Studio

16.  "I Know How That Feels"

Source: Marvel Studio