Could This Possibly Be A 100-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Human Finger?

Larry Campbell

The earliest recorded human remains date back 2.8 million years ago, originating from Africa, claimed accepted anthropology. This opinion has been frequently challenged by numerous findings contradicting with the claim, including a fossilized man’s finger believed to be 100 million years old.
In the mid-1980s, an elongate stone in a gravel pile has been discovered by Carl Baugh and some other creationists who believed that it was actually remains of a human finger. Baugh, from Texas, was famous for several statements related to mysterious remains and relics. The alleged “human finger” would later be exhibited in Baugh’s “Creation Evidence Museum” in Texas.

Source: Carl Baugh

Prior to this discovery, remains of dinosaur found within the area suggested that the formation might have been roughly 100 million years old. In this uncommon case, paleontologists said that the only chance for soft tissue to become fossilized is that it must have been buried in an oxygen-free environment within a short period of time.
Individual cells would mineralize separately in a flash-burial, conserving their microscopic features. Theories supporting this case depicted that the finger owner must have passed away in a violent way. Since the only way fossils can form is under extreme conditions, this was just pure luck that allowed the discovery to happen.

Source: Interactive Bible

The finger was cut into a portion with a diamond saw, revealing different, concentric circles of internal structures for scientists to obtain deeper insights into its inner formation. CAT scans were also deployed, uncovering more interesting traces, involving what appeared to be bones, joints and tendons inside, appearing as darker spots on the X-ray due to inconsistent density.
Researchers highly believed that the finger wasn’t from any primates, though they couldn’t know exactly what species it belonged to. The point is, how did this finger remains survive from 100 million years ago until today. Could it be feasible that a mysterious race roamed the Earth 100 million years ago?
Should the finger be argued to actually be an out-of-place remain, persuasive records are required to prove that it had been implanted in a prehistoric rock formation, for example, together with strong proof showing that it was truly a fossilized finger. Until now, none of the two has been completely proved.

Source: Interactive Bible

The truth is, the absence of logical explanation on where the “finger” came from truly detriments the possible anti-evolutionary value. The finger might have been discovered near a Cretaceous gravel pile, but no validation has been given, although this matter doesn’t disprove the beliefs surrounding the item.
However, if the account were true as told, there remains a possibility that the object could have fallen from an overlying formation, or been tossed or intentionally placed there by someone. And yes, there is also a possibility that civilization like ours is not the first to this world. In this regard, this particular object may be disproved, but the ‘probability’ won’t be entirely disproved.
In the end, if we look back in history, we will find there are thousands of mysterious events that took place within a tiny fraction of human history. And if we keep aside the cave paintings (which wouldn’t make a big difference), the fraction that our historians and scientists really seem to know is perhaps not more than 3-10%. This is how 97% of human history is lost today.