Mysteries Surrounding The Ancient Remnants Of Yonaguni Submarine In Japan

Larry Campbell

Underwater rock formation located off Yonaguni Jima are infact the remnants of Japanese Atlantis – a prehistoric society sunken millennia ago. It’s made from sandstone and mudstone existed 20 million years ago.
The “Yonaguni Monument”, also known as the “Yonaguni Submarine Ruins” is an ancient underwater stone structures shaped in bizarrely huge clusters up to 5 floors high, greatly thought to have been a ‘completely man-made’ construction.
Divers first found the terraced structures off the coast of Yonaguni Island in Japan in 1986. Prior to the discovery, the site had already been famous for housing a vast amount of hammerhead sharks, making it a favored diving location during winter.
What is interesting about this area doesn’t only lie in its enigmatic look, but also comes from the artifacts discovered, suggesting the presence of mankind at the region from the distant past.

Source: Yandex

Marine geologist Masaaki Kimura, from the University of the Ryukyus, who first visited the structures with his team of researchers, believe that they are actually products from humans.
He said that the complex monoliths are in fact the remnants of a Japanese Atlantis – a prehistoric city submerged by an earthquake nearly 2 millennia ago.
The seabed formations resembling architectural structures consist of medium to very fine sandstones and mudstones of the Early Miocene Yaeyama Group believed to have been deposited about 20 million years ago.
The most remarkable and enigmatic aspects of the structure include a rectangularly shaped formation measuring about 150 by 40 meters and about 27 meters tall and the top is about 5 meters below the sea level. This is the biggest structure similar to a complex, monolithic, stepped pyramid.

Source: Yandex

Some of its details are two closely spaced pillars which rise to within 2.4 meters of the surface, a 5 meters wide ledge that encircles the base of the formation on three sides, a stone column about 7 meters tall, a straight wall 10 meters long, an isolated boulder resting on a low platform, a low star-shaped platform, a triangular depression with two large holes at its edge and an L-shaped rock.
Meanwhile, a number of experts who conducted research on the structures, including geologist Robert Schoch from the Boston University, Oceanic Geoscience Professor Patrick D. Nunn from the University of the South Pacific, believe that Yonaguni is a completely natural rock formation possibly used and modified by humans in the past, leading to debates between scientists.
Whether the site is completely natural, or a natural site modified, or an artificial structure remains in question. However, neither the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs nor the government of Okinawa Prefecture regards the site as important and conducts any studies related to preservation on the structure.

Source: Yandex

Speaking of the Yonaguni Monument, another mysterious and more sensational submerged formation, the Baltic Sea anomaly, can come to our mind. The anomaly is thought to have been the ruin of a prehistoric alien spacecraft.
Should you be intrigued with forgotten undersea metropolis or unusual prehistoric formations, Yonaguni Island is definitely one of the best options. Exquisite sea scenes, quiet nature and several undiscovered mysteries are among the most interesting features.
This 28 sq. km island is also known as Dounan in the local language, located 125 km from Taiwan and 127 km from Ishigaki Island and is the westernmost point of Japan. To know more about the Island of Yonaguni or to explore some other attractive places on the island visit here.