This Artist Creates Surreal Sculptures, And They Are Completely Fantastical

Leona Martinez

Daniel Popper is a South African multidisciplinary artist who works in wood, glass-reinforced concrete, fiberglass, and steel. He is known for his large-scale public art installations. Daniel creates fantastical structures that enable spectators to interact with them directly. His art has captivated and inspired audiences all over the world, from music festival audiences enjoying hallucinogenic experiences with his installations to students sitting under his piece at the Nelson Mandela School of Science and Technology.
Especially, Daniel creates awe-inspiring sculptures by fusing human and natural components. The outcome is collections of surrealist ps fashioned of a variety of materials, each with its own meaning and symbolism. We have collected some of the most fantastical sculptures that he designed. Scroll down to check them out. And hope that you can take some inspiration from his work.
More info: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter.


Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

Siyanda is the Zulu word for “We are growing”. The woman stands with her hands placed tenderly on her heart, and her head bent to the earth. Her expression conveys a sense of peace and serenity

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

The pieces of the exhibit (Hallow, Sentient, and Basilica) intend to draw people's attention to the metaphysical relationship between all conscious beings. Hallow speaks to our inner nature.

Source: danielpopper

#4. UMI

Source: danielpopper

The archetypal mother earth, who welcomes visitors into her womb, and a reminder of our connection to nature, as well as our responsibility to create, nurture and care for our environment.

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

The Heartwood is the dense inner collection of rings that lie in the center of a tree trunk. The spine or central pillar of the tree is mechanically strong and resistant to decay. Its rings, like a fingerprint, allude to the tree's unique history and identity.

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

Chasm is a deep fracture in the earth or rock that serves as a post-apocalyptic monument, symbolizing the schism in our fractured society, almost ripped apart. It speaks to the enormous variations in people's perspectives, and feelings yet it is still bound together, even if only by microscopic metal threads.

Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

A female goddess blowing kisses out onto Daisy Lane as festival-goers entered the venue. The base of the structure had a glass floor that attendees could hang out on and enjoy the terrarium below.

Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

Inspired by Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, upward facing dog. The portal symbolizes nature opening her chest to the ocean as she takes a big inhale, welcoming visitors and inviting them to do the same.

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

The two temple structures on either side where built by Abstract design.

Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper


Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper

Source: danielpopper