30 Times People On The Internet 100% Nailed The Response

Leona Martinez

Humans are curious creatures who are always getting interested in everything around them. So why do they become more and more curious? Simply put, curiosity can make people's lives easier. For example, their curiosity can provide some solutions to their problem. Or sometimes, curiosity can help them avoid some dangers. And that can be the force for them to explore new things.
If you are looking for interesting information about everything in life, you can participate in the subreddit /r/AskReddit where people ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Sometimes, the answers you get aren't always scientifically sound, but they're as hilarious as the funny questions themselves. We've compiled a mega-list of 30 of the funniest responses to some of AskReddits best questions. Scroll down to check them out.


Source: swarmleader


Source: merlthedog944


Source: McGician


Source: DrSquigglesMcDiggles


Source: Titanosaurus


Source: Falstaffe


Source: optml


Source: SamCropper


Source: argf00


Source: SATexas1


Source: MrMapleBar


Source: Lamontc


Source: srrythtusrnmeistken


Source: ghegi


Source: Paintap


Source: kolpy99


Source: justtosubscribe


Source: VeeBeeEll


Source: Koboldoid


Source: ironmanwannabegirl


Source: Low_town_tall_order


Source: iamworsethanyou


Source: waterboatman


Source: Bl4nkface


Source: pjabrony


Source: Erudite_Delirium


Source: sickparadise




Source: hinklesauce


Source: drleeisinsurgery