20 Of The Most Hilarious Reviews That People Spotted Online

Leona Martinez

Online shopping is undeniably convenient. Buyers no longer need to leave their house to buy stuff. At home, they can purchase a wide range of items at reasonable prices just with a few clicks on their smartphones. However, many incidents of "crying wine and selling vinegar" of online shopping have made buyers cry a lot because the items they bought totally differed from the pictures provided on the store sites.

As a result, reviews are a great way for customers to find out what they want as well as for sellers to improve their products or services. Some reviewers actually go to great lengths to write reviews that are bound to have you rolling on the floor laughing. The Twitter account called Weird Online Reviews (@reviews0context) is dedicated to collecting and then sharing with the online community the wholesome comments of consumers. Scroll down to check out the best ones in this list below. 


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reddit.com


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reddit.com


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reddit.com


Source: reviews0context


Source: reviews0context


Source: reddit.com


Source: reddit.com