Understand What Your Dogs Are Thinking With 16 Accurate Tweets From ‘Thoughts Of Dogs’

Marry Anna

Hey dog lovers, have you ever been curious about what your dogs are really thinking in some moments? When they are snuggling up to you, jumping up and down, or chewing up your shoes but keep glancing at you with innocent eyes.
What if your dogs could express their thoughts in human language? That must be very funny. Here, we’ve collected a list of 16 best tweets from ‘Thoughts of Dog’ that somehow can help you have a better understanding of your dogs.
Thoughts of Dog is a Twitter account that has been uploading funny, accurate tweets depicting what dogs think about their humans and what happens around them.
Warning: Some of them can blow your mind because what they express and what they think are completely different. But these tweets can melt your heart right away, for sure. Now if you are ready, let’s scroll down.

#1 Hey human, please take note!

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#2 Be safe, human

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#3 Take my hand, forever be friends, human!

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#4 Order is impossible without a condition

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#5 "Thanking you, human"

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#6 "Is there any exception for dogs?"

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#7 " I just want attention"

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#8 "All I need is one thousand attentions today"

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#9  "Thank you!" Human said

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#10 Nice plan

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#11 "Did you ever eat the sand, human?"

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#12 Opps

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#13 Your wish is always our command!

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#14 Amazing discovery

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#15 April fools, trust or not trust?

Source: Thoughts of Dogs

#16 An ice lover said

Source: Thoughts of Dogs