The Avengers is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most well-known flicks. Many of our beloved heroes and baddies appear in the movie, and the actors sometimes get into character so successfully that we forget they are regular people just like the rest of us off-screen.
Regardless of the fact that Marvel films aren't recognized for their epic love stories, there are a few notable pairs that manage to keep their relationship strong while saving people, such as Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, Vision and Wanda Maximoff, and so on. Continue ahead to have a look at these fantastic star-couples for yourself!
Regardless of the fact that Marvel films aren't recognized for their epic love stories, there are a few notable pairs that manage to keep their relationship strong while saving people, such as Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, Vision and Wanda Maximoff, and so on. Continue ahead to have a look at these fantastic star-couples for yourself!