"Total Drama Island" is a 2007 animated television series in which 20 contestants (teens) battle for a $100,000 prize. They have to overcome a variety of strange, humorous, and extremely difficult tasks while living together in a not-so-comfortable campsite. Every character in the series was based on a stereotype, like "The Sweet Girl", "The Geek" and "The Loner."
Fans of this TV show are so excited that Nora, a Kazakhstani artist, decided to put her painting abilities to the test by making the characters from "Total Drama Island" more realistic and human-like. She transformed the show's basic and weirdly sketched ps into stunning works of art. Nora has shared the reason she decided to recreate the characters from "Total Drama Island": "As a child, I loved this show very much, and recently I remembered it and rewatched it again. All the characters are very unique and look like real people, so it seemed interesting to me".
Her art style is amazing, which won’t disappoint you. We claim that! Now scroll down and enjoy!
Fans of this TV show are so excited that Nora, a Kazakhstani artist, decided to put her painting abilities to the test by making the characters from "Total Drama Island" more realistic and human-like. She transformed the show's basic and weirdly sketched ps into stunning works of art. Nora has shared the reason she decided to recreate the characters from "Total Drama Island": "As a child, I loved this show very much, and recently I remembered it and rewatched it again. All the characters are very unique and look like real people, so it seemed interesting to me".
Her art style is amazing, which won’t disappoint you. We claim that! Now scroll down and enjoy!
#1 Gwen
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#2 Katie And Sadie
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#3 Bridgette
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#4 Izzy
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#5 Leshawna
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#6 Owen
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#7 Dj
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#8 Duncan
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#9 Heather
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#10 Harold
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#11 Trent
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#12 Courtney
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#13 Lindsay
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#14 Eva
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#15 Beth
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#16 Justin
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#17 Geoff
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#18 Cody
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#19 Tyler
Source: qcn.cellardoor
#20 Noah
Source: qcn.cellardoor